Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


During my pregnancy with Nolan I decided I wanted to learn to knit so I bought one of those "how to knit" kits and started to try to teach myself. After several nights spent trying to learn with my friend Susan, I could barely do much more than cast on (and that we only learned how to do after watching a YouTube video). So, I solicited the help of my Aunt Jo who willingly came down to Wilmington, kitting bag in tow. After a few hours with her I could not only cast on, I could knit and purl. Triumph! I immediately bought some blue baby yarn and started to work on a baby blanket for Nolan. Back and forth in a straight line, no pattern - surely I could handle that. A blanket proved to be much more time consuming than I had originally thought so I put it down for a bit and tried my hand at some baby toboggans. After a few tries I did manage to make 2 small yellow toboggans for Nolan - one of which I put on him for his pictures when the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep photographer came. Since Nolan's passing I had not knitted a stitch or even picked up my knitting bag.

Today I decided to break it out again, after all I wanted to eventually finish the baby blanket. I started to continue knitting the blanket, but quickly put it down. Instead I took out the loom and tried another toboggan - this time a pink one. I decided that since I knew my friend Tina didn't knit, I would make her soon to be baby girl a toboggan like I had made Nolan. I even stitched a blue bow onto it for good measure. I thought it might be more difficult to pick up knitting again and I'm sure I'm still some time away from finishing the blanket I once started for Nolan, but I found that knitting stitches to make something else entirely different was actually pleasurable. With every stitch I knitted, I felt just a tiny bit more pulled together. It was almost as if the stitches were keeping me from unravelling. Each day continues to bring new obstacles to overcome. It seems as though everything reminds me of Nolan, but there are some things that are more closely tied to him than others. Knitting was one of those things. I had wanted to learn to knit so I could be one of those mothers that actually made things for their child. Sure my limits would have probably been hats, scarfs, blankets and maybe mittens, but it was something. I was afraid if I went any longer without attempting to stitch another purl stitch I would completely forget how to and Aunt Jo's tutorial session would have been all in vain. At least now I know when I'm ready to pick up the stitches of the blanket where I left off, I can.

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