Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Marsh had his dreaded dentist appointment this morning. Ever since he ended up with endocarditis from a dentist appointment three years ago, he has been petrified to go to the dentist. We switched dentists after Marshall's dentist appointment landed him at the hospital, but that did very little to ease his mind. He did like the new dentist and his staff, but it had been over a year since he had been so I think he had forgotten and let his anxieties get the best of him again. He is now on antibiotics before any type of dental appointment, including all cleanings. All went well, just as I knew it would. He really likes the new dentist, especially because he found out that our dentist also chews chewing tobacco.

I was supposed to have an appointment with Dr. McLean this morning, but it was cancelled as she was out sick today. They tried to call and reschedule it for tomorrow with a different doctor but I told them that I was not seeing anyone else and that I already had an apt with her for next week. They always try to argue with me about the fact that I don't rotate doctors like every other OB patient, but since she saw I already had four more appointments scheduled with Dr. McLean I think she got the point. She reminded me of when my next appointment was and didn't reschedule me.

When Marshall got back from his dentist appointment we went to On the Border for lunch and then went shopping. We wanted to get Dylan something for Christmas since he's here visiting his Dad now. We found a cool bathtub basketball goal and balls for him at the little toy store at Mayfair. Dylan loves balls of any kind so we figured we couldn't go wrong with that gift. In the afternoon, I went to YMCA to go to Zumba. You can always tell it's the new year by the parking lots at gyms. Usually, I have no problem parking in the main lot and can usually get a fairly close spot too. Not today! I had to park way in the back in the overflow parking. Ugh. At least these new year's resolutioners won't last long. I predict by early next month the parking situation will be back to normal. Class was bigger than normal too. Today's class was in the gym and usually we have enough people to fill up 3/4 of the basketball court. Today the entire basketball court was packed and there were quite a few men in there too. I'm trying to use the new year to eat healthier and start getting in better shape. I plan on going to Zumba as long as I am physically able to and my doctors agree it is okay, but I also need to start eating better. My goal is to cut out so many carbs and eat more fruits and vegetables. This will be much easier to do when my husband leaves to go back to work. He is the absolute worse eater. All he ever wants is hamburgers or pizza. He will eat mexican too but that is about the extent of his diet. Even when I try to cook, he usually only eats some of it because he filled up with candy while I was cooking. I definitely am more motivated to both work out and eat better when he isn't around. I don't think I will ever convince him to go to a gym as he claims his job is physical. Well maybe so, but not that physical! I want him to go with me to Zumba just one time so he can see how out of shape he really is. I know he would die after an hour long of dancing.

Our friend Melissa just got back into town today and texted us to have dinner with her, so she came over and we all went to Nikki's Steakhouse and Sushi for some hibachi. Marshall helped me get ready for dinner by tying my shoes for me. I can still do it myself, but it is rather uncomfortable trying to do it, especially when I am wearing jeans. Bending over has definitely become harder and harder to do as my belly keeps getting bigger and bigger. It is much easier for someone else to bend over and pick something up for me than for me to try to figure out which way I can actually bend to retrieve it. So, I fully took advantage of having my husband around to help me tie my shoes tonight. I'm going to be on my own after a few more days and there won't be anyone to help me do things or fix me something to eat. It is too bad JoJo can't learn to do some of these things, like tie my shoes! Of course, if we could teach her to do that we probably both could quit working as we would be rich from having such a smart dog!

Dinner was fun. I, as expected, opted for the filet mignon and shrimp. We had a great time and the food was just what I had been craving. I had been trying to get Marshall to go with me to get hibachi for a few days now but until Melissa said she would go I couldn't get him to agree to it. Our chef was really good and very entertaining. It was good to see Melissa even though she was only in town for one night. She also works on Army Wives so she was heading back down to Charleston tomorrow. I'm glad it's her leaving tomorrow and not Marshall. He has four more days at home and I know they are going to go fast, but at least he has until Sunday.

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