Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In North Carolina, one of the biggest rivalries is the UNC Vs Duke basketball game. When I went to UNC, it was always the most highly anticipated game of the year and everyone wanted tickets. I was fortunate enough to go to every home UNC Vs Duke basketball game for my entire four years at Carolina. If Carolina won, Duke had to print the name of their school newspaper in Carolina blue the next day and if Duke won, "The Daily Tarheel" would be printed in Duke blue. Not to mention, every Carolina win was always followed up by a mass exodus to Franklin Street which inevitably resulted in bon fires in the middle of the road and other craziness. I'm sure the Duke students had similar traditions. Some North Carolinians even consider the day the two big rivals play each other as sacred holidays and they gear up for the big game all day long. As evidence by early morning Facebook posts, a lot of the people I know are exactly that type. Although Carolina has been severely lacking this year in their basketball playing, you can still never count them out when it comes to playing Duke. So, to show my support I had a cup a decaf coffee in my UNC mug. I would have worn some of my UNC attire too, but none of it would fit over my baby bump these days.

As I was enjoying my UNC coffee, my Mom called and stopped by on her way from a meeting to her office. She brought with her some heart shaped rice krispy treats as an early Valentine's Day treat. By the way, rice krispy treats go very well with decaf coffee. After she left, I did some knitting and took some video of the baby wiggling around. It's always comforting when he's going to town in there as I know he must be doing alright if he's moving so much. Eventually, though I had to get dressed and go to the grocery store. Just as I was getting ready, Dawn called and invited me to join her and her husband Eric for an impromptu lunch at Wild Wing Cafe. Perfect! I hadn't eaten yet and they are always great company, so I threw on some clothes and went to meet them. On my way to meet them I got a call about a pilot filming in Charlotte, NC called Sleepy Hollow. The UPM that called me is also our UPM on Homeland. He said he knew I was probably not wanting to work but he wanted to at least call and offer it to me first. I really appreciated that but since the pilot started filming March 12 and I'm due to have the baby the first week of March, it was definitely not possible for me to work on it. We did talk about Homeland briefly and about me coming back and when they were projecting it to start. It looks like it is going to be a little sooner than I had hoped, but if I'm not ready to go back right at the beginning I will just get someone to cover me for an episode or two. While at Wild Wing Cafe, I ran in to an old friend from Goldsboro, Frankie and his baby daughter. Frankie's wife had been pregnant the same time I was pregnant with Nolan only she was due a few months after me. Dawn and Eric both asked about the baby and wanted an update on things. Dawn said every time she sees the mark on her calendar on March 1st she always wonders what she has to do that day and then remembers that's for Kara's amnio! I think it's safe to say all of our friends are getting pretty excited now that we are so close to having the little guy come out and meet us.

After lunch, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up the items I needed for dinner tonight. The girls were all coming over to my house tonight for dinner and American Idol. I decided to do a mexican night and made mexican spread, tacos and a spiced cake for dessert. When I got home I went ahead and made the spread and put it in the refrigerator and then started on the spice cake. I had all intentions on going to Zumba this afternoon to check out one of the new potential instructors - Trista - but I laid down on the couch while the cake was cooking and quickly fell asleep. My lack of sleep at night has turned into me becoming quite the afternoon napper and for some reason I seem to sleep better and more soundly on the couch in the afternoons. I don't have any idea why but I guess my anxiety seems to be heightened at night for some reason. Susan and Stacey ended up coming over around 7:30 and we had some mexican spread and chips while I finished up the tacos. Eventually, we decided to start watching American Idol as it was Hollywood week for the girls. Nobody is standing out yet to me but there are definitely some talented girls. There are also some that I'm wondering why the judges are keeping them because what they are showing us on TV just isn't that great.

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