Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cars, Consignment & Conversation

Trying to continue my trend of keeping busy I got up early this morning and went to Zumba at Babs with Karson. Zumba is definitely becoming more and more challenging and I'm able to do less and less, but I still enjoy it. Since it was nice and warm today, I came home and did some weeding in the front flower bed. I showered and got dressed as it was time to take my car back to the shop to have the mirror replaced that they had overlooked during the initial repair work. They had called me yesterday saying the mirror was in and I could get it put on while I waited today. So at 1pm I went to get my mirror put on my car, but they had not ordered the correct thing so I have to come back. For some reason the pictures they took that clearly showed a chrome mirror and me telling them over the phone that the chrome was scratched on my mirror wasn't enough for them to realize my mirror was chrome and not just the standard factory mirror. So that was a complete waste of time. I left there and grabbed some chickfila for lunch and came home and ate and then cleaned.

Stacey came over and we went to the Posh Whale consignment sale where we met my mom and Dino. They had so much stuff! Lots and lots of clothes. I looked through some of the clothes and ended up getting a few surfing outfits and some board shorts for the baby. Then I got a couple of pairs of shoes. My best find was a baby bullet new and never used for only $30! It even had extra accessories. All in all it probably cost around $200 so I got a really good buy on it. I also got a bottle warmer for the house and a travel bottle warmer that plugs into the car. Stacey also bought a bunch of clothes for the baby and for Myra. My Mom showed some good restraint though and only bought some baby books for her house. She didn't fool me though, I know she still has a bunch of clothes at her house that she has bought for the baby but just hasn't given me yet. We all came back to my house and made zuchini pasta for dinner and oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert. My mom and Dino eventually left and Stacey and I turned on American Idol. I totally disagreed with the judges and I also think the talent this year pretty much blows. What talent I should say. Nobody is a stand out and nobody blows me away. I think the judges did a really poor job at picking talented people this year. My plan of keeping busy definitely worked as I was nearly falling asleep before American Idol was over. As soon as Stacey left, I turned off everything and went to bed. I turned on a movie as always knowing good and well I would be asleep before 15 minutes of the movie were over.

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