Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dogs, Kids & Pizza

I went to Zumba again this morning, even though it was extremely hard on this cold dreary morning to get out of bed and go. I was, of course, glad I did once I got there. It was with Karson, of course. She seems to be the only instructor's classes I go to anymore. Since I was out and about I decided to go to Michael's afterwards and get some materials to make invitations for Brandy's lingerie party. I had found online last night on Pinterest some cute ideas. So, I decided to try to make the invitations completely from scratch. Wish me luck! I grabbed some soup from Panera on the way home as I didn't have long before I had to take both JoJo and Buster to the vet. I barely had time to shower after lunch before my Dad arrived with Buster in tow. Both dogs were due for all their shots and Buster was due for a physical. $610 later, we left the vet. I love my dogs, but man can they be expensive. Especially with the two surgeries JoJo has had in the past year this has been a very expensive vet year for us. When we were leaving the vet I ran into our friends Matt and Anna Maria and their 3 Great Danes. Yes three! How they afford to even feed those dogs I have no idea. But then again, Matt and Anna Maria have no children so I guess all their money goes to the dogs.

Back home I helped Dad apply online to some jobs and post an add on Craigslist for a roommate while Buster and JoJo played a bit. JoJo tired of playing pretty quickly though and Buster soon just wanted to hang out in the backyard. I think he misses the fenced in yard and his ability to stay out there an sun for as long as he wants. Shea came back over tonight to keep me company but this time she brought Tynik and his sister Niyah. Tynik is one of Shea's clients with Easter Seals. He is an awesome little boy and has come so far since Shea has been working with him. He had a major breakthrough not long ago when he sensed Marshall was upset about Nolan and came and gave him a hug and told him it was going to be okay. Before then Tynik had been very standoffish with men, including Marshall. He would sometimes say hi to Marshall but he had never hugged him. Women, however, the boy will hug and hug.

This was the first time I had met his little sister though as Shea doesn't usually have her. She was super cute. We made pizza for dinner while Niyah watched Spongebob and Tynik played games on Shea's laptop. We bribed them to eat all their pizza and we would give them a cookie. It worked pretty flawlessly as they both ate everything on their plates. As they sat and ate their cookies we turned on the X Factor results show. When Niyah was done with her cookie she came and sat down beside me on the couch and snuggled me. She posed for me to take a picture of her and all her beads in her hair (which Shea hated, by the way), but then she wanted to take a picture of me with my phone. She didn't do too bad for a 4 year old either. She dozed off a couple of times but was determined to fight her sleep for as long as she was at my house. She and I both were ecstatic to learn that Carly Rose, 5th Harmony and Tate are all in the finale! Yay! I love them all. It is going to be a great finale next week.

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