Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Monday, December 3, 2012


I started baking for the Christmas party today since it is this Saturday! Today I spent the day making candied nuts and boiled cookies. I'm hoping that they last until Saturday. Fortunately, Marshall isn't a fan of the candied nuts and while he will eat boiled cookies he doesn't go through them like he does chocolate chip cookies. I think they will be safe and make it until the party. Now hopefully everyone just shows up for the party! We still have to find presents for our Indian Christmas exchange too! I hope that once we have the baby we will still be able to throw our annual Christmas party. I'm sure we will, we just might have to change the hours to a wee bit earlier so we can put the baby to sleep. Who knows, we will just have to figure it out then. I do enjoy our little party every year and I have all intentions on continuing it as long as everyone wants to do it too.

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