Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sick Days

There's nothing fun about sick days. Especially, when it's day three of being sick. After spending my entire Saturday sleeping on the couch and eating cough drops, I was determined to actually make it out of the house today. Unfortunately, my cold had other plans for me. I woke up just as stuffed up as yesterday with my throat slightly less on fire as it had been. I did eventually decide I was sick so I put on jeans and a T-shirt and rode the elevator down to Earthfare. The one great thing about my building - a grocery store right downstairs. I stocked up on canned soup, but decided I would get a bowl of their hot Tomato soup for now. I didn't feel quite as tired today as yesterday, so I came back up and ate my soup and indulged in one of those ridiculous reality TV shows. Yep, I turned on my computer and watched The Bachelorette. I figured, why not. After all, Emily was from North Carolina - Charlotte, in fact. It only seemed appropriate that while in Charlotte I watch her. So I spent a few hours of my afternoon nursing my cold with some tomato soup and The Bachelorette.

I finally mustered up enough strength to go to Cardio Funk class at 5:30 and had a very strange occurrence. As I was leaving the Y, this woman came up to me and asked if I was Kara. After I said yes, she told me her name was Bergen and we had worked together on One Tree Hill. Now she looked familiar and the name sounded familiar, but I really could quite place her. I did end up spending a few minutes talking to her and learned that she is still working in the business and has become a producer now. She told me she worked mostly on reality TV shows life Top Chef and some others she named but I can't remember. Why was she in Charlotte, I asked. She told me she was here getting a movie together to hopefully shoot in the fall. It sounded like a small, low budget indie film. Now I'm unclear if she works as a producer only on these small films and does something else entirely for reality shows, but it sounded like she was kept busy as she told me she had spent most of the year between NY and LA. Regardless, she seemed to remember me and gave me her info in the hopes that I would contact her and get together. Sure I will. You never know where a contact can lead you.

After my work out and shower I decided I had somewhat of an appetite back and wanted something more substantial than cough drops and tomato soup. I decided I would make one of my favorites that Stacey introduced me to - Steak and Fry Salad. I know, to a southerner this sounds a bit weird and I am usually not one to mix my foods this way. I am one of those people that believe your meat should not lie on top of your salad. But, I tried it for Stacey and loved it. Then again, I haven't had anything Stacey's made that wasn't awesome. Weeks ago I had made a huge container full of a homemade dressing Stacey gave me the recipe for and it just so happened to be the dressing she used for her steak and fry salad. While not as good as when she makes it, the salad turned out to be quite good and scarfed it down as if I hadn't eaten in days. Oh wait, I hadn't. It was indeed the most I had consumed since Thursday and the small salad quickly filled me up. I was amazed what a little bit of real food did to help me feel more human and less sick. Perhaps by tomorrow morning this sickness will be gone for good.

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