Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lucky Charm

Today was a weird day indeed. What was a suspicion on Monday became a reality this morning when I peed on my second stick of the week and got that all too familiar plus sign. I've become quite the pro at peeing on sticks these days. For over a month I've been peeing on sticks trying to figure out my ovulation schedule since my cycle seems to be all over the place since I had Nolan. According to the ovulation tests, I have ovulated 3 separate times in the past month. Now we all know that can't possibly be true so I guess my body is still confused. Although I've had two regular periods since Nolan's birth, they have not been equal distance apart. That's all fine and good when I spent all my time at home, but I don't want my monthly visitor surprising me one day at work. Besides, since Marshall and I had decided to see if we could pregnant again, I figured monitoring these things would be helpful. By my latest calculations I should have started my period today. But that was accounting for an extremely long cycle, which I don't have. On Monday I couldn't stand the anticipation any more. I had to know. So I peed on a different stick and got a faint but ever present plus sign. Today for good measure I repeated the test with even more conclusive results. We are pregnant again!

As we discussed whether to tell anyone or not, it quickly became apparent to me that we must. We at least had to tell our family and friends that read this blog for if I was going to be accurate and truthful in my blog I couldn't hide this information. It would be like telling a story in which only the good parts are told and all the scary and bad ones are left out. At some point, I had to be honest to myself and I knew that meant writing about this pregnancy. That being said, we aren't under any delusions. It's very, very early on and anything can happen. So for now we are cautiously optimistic. I will make an appointment with my doctor for while I'm home on hiatus in August and hope that when we go we receive good news. After having a first term miscarriage that wasn't diagnosed until my 9 week appointment, I know that a plus sign on a pee stick doesn't mean anything. And after having a baby boy stillborn at week 34, I also know that even once you get past the first trimester with a healthy baby doesn't mean you will be leaving the hospital with one. But for now I'm excited. I feel as though my prayers have been answered. Every night since Nolan's death I have prayed to God for another chance. For a healthy baby this time. Right now it looks as though we might have been given that second chance - third really. Maybe third time really is a charm. If so this baby will always be my lucky charm. My little Irish lucky charm.

Basking in my excitement, it didn't phase me at all today at work when Claire brought up the string test to me. She had seen Morena and I doing it last year and she wanted it done on her before she went for her doctor's appointment next week. Fortunately, we work with wardrobe girls that always have needle and thread on hand and the props department was able to supply us with a number 2 pencil. After assembling the items together I let the pencil dangle above Claire's wrist as she sat anxiously awaiting the results. Our assembling of the items had peaked some curiosity of fellow cast and crew and we quickly had a group around us awaiting the results. For a long while the pencil just bobbed up and down, refusing to swing in either direction. But then it started to move. Back and forth down her arm it swung - a boy! Ironically, this is also what Claire feels as though she is having. For good measure we left the pencil continue to swing and after stopping for some time it then swung perpendicular to her wrist indicating a girl.

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