Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Photo Shoot

This afternoon Marshall and I met my cousin Jay and his assistant Allan in downtown Wilmington for a little maternity photo shoot. We walked around the river walk for a bit before Jay picked a little place with foliage to photograph us. Although I'm grateful for him doing the pictures for us for free, I was hoping we actually would show some of where we live in the background. The river walk or the Cape Fear Bridge for instance. I know at some point he wants to do a shoot at the beach like we did last time, which will be great but we could have shown more of downtown this go round too. Oh well, the important part is that we are photographing the bump.

Afterwards, we met Susan and Stacey at Mixto on Water Street for dinner. It was my first time eating here and I have to say I was not impressed. It was nice to sit outside and have the river view, but the service was slow and the food wasn't all that good. The company on the other hand was excellent as always. We had some good laughs and enjoyed my last night in Wilmington for awhile. When we headed back home, my Dad met us at our house to visit with us for a bit as well. It was a great way to end a long weekend at home. Now if my nerves will just calm down about tomorrow. I don't care how great things seem to be going, I still get anxious right before a doctor's appointment. I guess I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm so prepared for bad news these days that I'm slow to get excited. Maybe soon that feeling will go away. Maybe once I start to feel the baby move. Or then again I could and most likely will feel this way for the entire pregnancy. It's going to be a very long and trying 9 months.

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