Nolan Eason

At 1:03AM on Friday, March 30, 2012 my first child was born - a son. We named him Nolan Eason. 21" long, 5lb 3oz. He was beautiful and perfect in every way, except that he was stillborn. As we searched for answers to his untimely death, we also searched for comfort. This blog was created as a way of working through my sorrow by trying to find something beautiful in the world each day. Hopefully, along the way it will help others to heal as well.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Angel Tree

Angel Tree
Since Nolan's death we have looked for way to honor his memory. Last Christmas we helped a family in need by buying Christmas gifts for their three children. This year we decided to pick a little boy from the Salvation Army's Angel Tree. Since Nolan would have been 20 months old this Christmas, we picked a little boy that was 2 years old to buy gifts for in Nolan's honor. We plan on doing this every Christmas with the intent on picking a little boy around Nolan's age if possible. We figure if Nolan was still with us we would be spending even more on him for Christmas so the least we could do was spend some of that on a boy his age that is still living but might not have the same privileges that Nolan would have been afforded to him. It's just one way our little angel is still impacting others here on earth. We took Ronan with us this year even though he was far too young to understand what we were doing, but I hope as he grows older he will understand the meaning behind it and it will show him compassion towards others. I believe Nolan still has lots of lessons to teach both his parents as well as his little brother and I fully intend on being receptive to all of it.

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